Original Equipment Blow by Blow

Posted on Mar 25, 2019 at 12:04PM

Original Equipment blow-by-blow from ringside

Like two boxers locked in a title slugfest, NEXEN and Falken have both been landing solid blows. These are two welterweight companies punching above their class. Of course they’re not true top-ranked heavyweights like Bridgestone, Goodyear and Michelin, but they are amassing solid records by by scoring important OE contracts. The latest: Falken’s Wildpeak M/T has been chosen as the official tire on Jeep Wrangler Rubicon models. NEXEN strikes back, winning O.E. on Volkswagen Jetta. Falken springs off the ropes with a counter punch to supply Subaru Crosstrek Hybrid. Sensing their prey has been stunned, Falken closes in for the knockout. With a lightning fast Nissan one-two, Falken jabs with Rogue SV and then winds up the Altima haymaker. Ka-bam! Falken wins this bout, but NEXEN went the distance. We’ll await the next announcement from our neutral corner as I’m all out of boxing cliches.